NZ Chamber Singapore celebrates International Women's Day

Dr Vivienne Hunt Speaking

On Thursday, March 15th over 65 likeminded women (and men) gathered at the boardroom of the ANZ Bank Singapore to celebrate International Women’s Day. The New Zealand Chamber Singapore had selected a panel of women leaders from Norway, New Zealand, Australia and Singapore to share their insights and experience of leadership in Singapore.  Moderated by American, Dr Indigo Triplett, the audience heard stories from women leaders who worked in a range of fields including shipping, science, banking and law. There were a number of common themes and stories -  these included being the only female in large meetings, finding courage to speak up, hearing and reading language oriented to male employees, saying yes too often, being a people pleaser and not making time to participate in social networks to support career progress. The panellists’ advice to all women, but especially to younger women was clear.  Women need to be more opportunistic and be brave, whether its finding one’s voice in a room full of male participants, putting up their hands for roles that are a stretch or reaching out to networks to ask for referrals.  We heard too about ANZ’s programme on Diversity and Inclusion and Fonterra’s Women in Leadership initiative. One quote used that evening came from Helen Clarke, former Prime Minister of New Zealand. It sums up well the need to continue to Press for Progress “….gender equality doesn’t just improve the lives of individual women, girls, and their families; it makes economic sense, strengthens democracy, and enables long-term sustainable progress."

Hester Aba